P-06-1370 Save overnight minor injuries provision at Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny - Petitioner to Committee, 24.01.24

I note that the health board is meeting this morning to make it’s decision about the future of the minor injuries unit at Nevill Hall and considering a recommendation for overnight closure.  I’m appalled at the decision, taken in the face of considerable public opposition, but I suppose this means the end of the campaign to keep it open.

I’m very grateful for the time and consideration of members of the Petitions Committee and to all those Senedd Members who offered their support to the campaign to keep it open.  I am disappointed that the Welsh Government has failed to intervene and I remain concerned that this will have harmful consequences for residents in north Monmouthshire as well as in neighbouring local authorities.

Thank you once again to committee members for their support.

Best wishes,